Hello guys! First of all, I must write that this English version of TMP is only its mini version - I think there is no need to make it huge or something, because TMP is a site for Polish speakers not knowing English at all. People who know English, may get any info from the Official Therion Site.
I wanted to place here, at English version, some stuff not available at the Official Site, I think there is no sense to place here discography in English or another obvious things which can be easily found at http://megatherion.com. Here will be appearing some extra stuff for people living around the world. Of course, one won't find here a lot of great stuff right now, I can't translate it all into the perfect written English. I may translate it into English having many mistakes (mostly grammatical etc.), then I would like to send it to some guy living in UK, USA or to someone who speaks English from the cradle :) So...
If English is your first language, contact me! You would get only a text written in English, and your mission would be to check it all out, correct everything and send it back to me. Not a hard work, is it? If you're interested, click the envelope
Something (not) funny:
The real meaning of Therion lyrics!
The interviews:
Christofer Johnsson - 25 VI 2010
(for studiorock.ro)
Thomas Karlsson - 20 II 2009
(for headbanger.ru)
Christofer Johnsson - 06 IX 2008 [MP3 version]
(for radiotangra.com)
Christofer Johnsson - 10 V 2008
(for Japanese and Polish official websites)
Thomas Vikstrm - 30 III 2008
(for this site)
Lori Lewis - 18 I 2008
(for this site)
Snowy Shaw - 28 XII 2007
(for this site)
Thomas Vikstrm - 15 VIII 2007
(for this site)
Christofer Johnsson - 7 VIII 2007
(for metalfan.ro)
Piotr Wawrzeniuk - 08.I.2006
(for this site)
Mats Levn - 25 I 2005
(for darkside.ru)
Thomas Karlsson - 16 IX 2003
(for this site)
Sarah Jezebel Deva- 31 XII 2002
(for this site)
Kristian Niemann - 28 IX 2002
(for this site)
Christofer Johnsson - 12 VIII 1997
(for chroniclesofchaos.com)
Other:Ivo Elezovic - 30 III 2008
(for this site)
Tommie Eriksson - date unknown
(for Wolfzeit Magazine)
- Vovin Review
- Deggial Review
- Secret of the Runes Review